Campaign co-signature text ProHorao

Campaign co-signature text ProHorao In a very complex and fluid period, with rapid developments in all areas, education is becoming - more than ever - crucial in shaping global citizenship. At the same time, the health current health crisis highlights the already increased risk of physical and mental harm, forced sexual activity, early and unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. These are some of the direct consequences of the absence of comprehensive sexual education (CSE). Although we are already in the third decade of the 21st century, it is clear that neither the education system, nor the school as [...]

About Rainbow School

About us Rainbow School was established in 2009 as an empowerment group for LGBTQI+ teachers, initially under the name "Homophobia and Transphobia in Education". It gradually evolved into an organized activist group that demands institutional change for securing a more inclusive educational environment for both students and teachers. In the process, it organized its activities on a systematic basis and acquired a wide base of members who come mainly from education, humanities and mental health professions, as well as the LGBTQI+ community. After 10 years in the field of combating discrimination in education, Rainbow School has received legal status [...]

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